Diversify Tech #292

Connecting underrepresented folks in tech with career opportunities

Hi! Welcome to Diversify Tech's Professional Edition. This newsletter is for underrepresented people in tech; specifically curated for mid-senior level folks. Every Tuesday, we share jobs, events, and other career opportunities.

In this week's edition,

  • 💼 Disco is looking for a Rail Developer

  • ⭐️ This week's spotlight is on Dawn Gibson Wages

  • 🌈 Out in Tech’s Pride: All Together Now is happening tomorrow

  • ⛺️ Rails Camp West is offering scholarships

Our newsletter is made possible by readers like you. Help us stay sustainable:

Best wishes,
Veni Kunche

Join Diversify Tech’s Talent Directory

Are you from an underrepresented group and looking for a job in tech? Join our talent directory and let us help you get noticed by recruiters.

We understand the challenges of the job market. By joining, you'll be highlighted to our network of supportive recruiters.

Sign up today and take a step towards your next opportunity.


Opportunities from our hiring partners

Software Development


Information Technology

Opportunities from our partner, Indeed

Please note that these roles have not been vetted by our team! Make sure to do your own research.

Have any jobs you’d like us to share in our newsletter? Post here!

Looking for internships and entry-level roles?

Our Early-talent newsletter will be most relevant to you! We share entry-level roles, internships and apprenticeships every Sunday.
Join our Early Talent Newsletter!


Meet Dawn Gibson Wages, a Technical Program Manager at Microsoft championing the Python community. Prior to this, she served as a Senior Research Developer at Wharton Computing and Instructional Technology, and as a Software Engineer and Project Manager at Lenovo.

In addition to working at Microsoft, she is the Chair/President and Director of the Python Software Foundation. She is also a core team member of WagtailCMS and hosts a monthly Python live stream, The Python Pulse. She volunteers for Django Girls and DjangoCon. She is also a strong advocate for incorporating ethics into open source and software development.

For updates on Dawn Gibson Wages' contributions to technology and community, visit her website and GitHub. You'll find the latest on her projects and speaking engagements.



Have a CFP to share in our newsletter? Add it here!


⛺️ Rails Camp West, an outdoorsy un-conference series focused on connecting developers worldwide, is offering 4 tickets to Diversify Tech members. Apply for a scholarship to attend the camp in Cascade, Idaho from August 27th-30th! Deadline is June 22nd.

🔐 Women In Security and Privacy is offering scholarships to Hacker Summer Camp. Submissions are due by June 7th.

🎉 I rewrote my blog! And website! They are one! by Cassidy Williams

📆 Maximizing Your Conference Experience: A Comprehensive Guide for People of Color in Tech

🏫 Learn the math that powers AI models in this FREE 14-hour course